Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Fruit Pastels

Ok, so it's a stretched 'kid in a sweet shop' analogy - but there's something that appeals to the child in me about art materials; about sequences and sets of alike things, boxes full of possibility.  Invariably they look better in the box before you actually do anything with them...but this time, this time, I say to myself, will be different...

Chris has passed on four small boxes of Unis*n pastels to me, as well as this much coveted big box of 72's, having had them lay dormant 'for ten years'.  These are the best pastels money can buy, if you can tame their fat, crumbling, awkward nature.  The pigments seem implausibly intense, and much pleasure can come from simply crushing their chubby faces into a piece of paper and looking at the results...

But that was before, and now I am going to do marvellous things with them...